How dental sealants help your teeth from Decay and Pain?

Not all in dentistry is easy, the teeth in the back of the mouth have a variety of pits and fissures, that help when chewing and grinding food. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to remove all of the food and plaque from these. Dental sealants can help protect these teeth, keeping them from pain and tooth decay.

Dental Sealants and its help?

Sealants are a thin plastic layer that is placed onto the teeth. They act as a
barrier between the teeth and food and bacteria. Brushing and flossing can
remove a lot of the food and plaque from the teeth, especially on teeth with
flat surfaces. With all of the different recesses the molars and premolars have in the back of the mouth, however, it is difficult to completely clean them with good dental hygiene alone. The sealants help to protect the teeth from things that can cause decay.

When Should the Teeth Be Sealed?

Pit and fissure decay can begin early in life. Children and teenagers are great candidates for getting sealants as a part of preventative dentistry. Most children get sealants placed on their teeth between the ages of six and 14. In some children, their baby teeth grow in with recesses. In these cases, it may be a good idea to have sealants put on a younger child. Additionally, many cosmetic dentists recommend that adults get sealants as well in order to protect their teeth from problems.

How Long Do Sealants Last?

With proper care and normal chewing, sealants will last several years before requiring a reapplication. Preventative dentistry can help save you from the pain that comes from tooth decay and cavities. Call the dentist today to schedule an appointment for you or your child to protect your teeth with dental sealants.

To know more about your dental health and for a comprehensive oral health consultation, please visit or call us to schedule an appointment.

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