Bleeding Gums

Bleeding from gums can occasionally happen due to trauma from a faulty tooth brushing or direct injury due to hard object in food.

What is Bleeding Gums and what should I do for it

Bleeding from gums can occasionally happen due to trauma from faulty tooth brushing or direct injury due to hard objects in food.

Bleeding from gums frequently along with feeling of bad breath and redness of gums is a sign of gum disease. Gum disease is caused by plaque and tartar that accumulates around the teeth which harbors bacteria and subsequently causes gum infection. In the initial stage of the disease, a person will not experience any pain, but it is important to consult your gum specialist so as to ascertain the extent of the disease and get the necessary treatment done.

Delay and ignorance of symptoms can deteriorate the condition leading to the spread of infection to multiple teeth subsequently leading to tooth loss.

What are the types of Gum Disease and its treatment?

Gum diseases are broadly of two types: Gingivitis and Periodontitis

Gingivitis: It is the initial gum disease wherein gums are swollen and appear red in color. The patient can feel bogginess of the gums and can be accompanied by a feeling of foul smell in the mouth.

The gums get separated from the tooth creating pockets/spaces where plaque and tartar accumulates which further increases the severity of the infection. At this stage, the gum infection can be treated simply by scheduling an appointment for teeth cleaning with your Dentist/Periodontist.

Periodontitis: It is the progression of gingivitis wherein the bacteria from the swollen gums involve the bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontitis is a common problem in adults which causes tooth loss. Pockets/ Spaces are formed in between teeth and bone that loosen the firmness of teeth. The earlier the periodontitis is treated, the higher the chance of keeping your own teeth in your mouth for longer.

Consultation with your gum specialist along with necessary x-rays can help understand the extent of infection and can be treated accordingly.

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