How to keep your dental health optimal after Dental Implants

Half a million people are estimated in taking dental implant treatment every year. These implants are a safe choice for people who have lost one or more teeth as they bond with the natural bones and support the replaced teeth. They also have the additional advantage of allowing replacement teeth to look like a natural one.

Getting the right treatment and doing proper cleaning for dental implants are keys to prolonging their appearance and usefulness. The following are some of the tips that if followed properly, will help you keep your dental implant clean and hygienic.

Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

Soft bristles are less likely to hurt the gums or cause bleeding and are as
effective as medium or hard bristles in extracting tartar and plaque. Also,
electric toothbrushes are used to extract bacteria from the teeth more
efficiently than manual toothbrushes because they produce a greater number of strokes than the human hand.

Use a Water Flosser

Often known as an oral or dental water irrigator, a water flosser disrupts and kills bacteria up to 6 mm deep. Many dentists prefer water flossers over
dental floss since certain varieties of floss will discard particles that lead to
peri-implantitis. That’s why make sure to use the water flosser so that it
flushes out all the germs and bacteria from your mouth and keep it hygienic.

Brush Twice a Day

Brushing in the morning once you wake up prevents the morning smell and
kills the bacteria that build up in your mouth overnight. Similarly, brushing in the evening before bedtime kills the bacteria that have accumulated during the day and decreases the risk of plaque build-up and decay overnight. Also, many dentists recommend brushing during a meal, or at some point of the day when food particles and bacteria need to be cleaned, especially, when you have dental implants so that they do not get affected anymore.

Avoid Smoking And Drinking Alcohol

Avoiding smoke and drinking is a good thing for your physical well-being.
However, you must prevent these things while you have dental implants.
Always remember that dental implants take about 6 months to recover, so smoking during this time can be dangerous. Drinking alcohol has also been
found to slow down the healing process of dental implants, so avoid this as
much as you can.

To know more about your dental health and for a comprehensive oral health consultation, please visit or call us to schedule an appointment.

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